If anyone is in Calgary the first discussion in our Automation Series is coming up and we'd love to see you there.
Join the SQDG at 12:00PM on Thursday, October 27th, to learn more about automation and to share your automation experiences with us as well!
The meeting will be held at Bow Valley square, our new home for the season (Thanks Oildex!), at noon on October 27th.
SQDG discussion around automation, the first discussion in the series.
205 5 Ave SW, Calgary
3rd floor, Mezzanine Level, in the Angus room
Thursday October 27th at 12 noon
If you would like to join in with ongoing discussions within the group, you can join us on slack or LinkedIn
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1884463
Slack: https://sqdg.slack.com (register for the sqdg channel https://sqdg.typeform.com/to/nFCfk4)